
Early in the pandemic, Chris had the idea to deliver flower seeds out to all our local clients as a way to shift the focus – or create a distraction – from the daily news. We scheduled a call every Friday to connect with everyone on a regular basis to have an open discussion and offer the opportunity to brag about our gardening prowess. As we got into a weekly routine, the conversations moved from reports on news from the government sector, updates on the eveolving programs and policy, to Chris discussing the behavior of the capital markets and the economy. As I took on the “Green Thumb Report” each week, it became firstly, more and more apparent that some of our clients are amazing gardeners. Tales – with photo evidence – of daisies, nasturtium, summer squash and tomatoes came over the wire.


It also started to be a forum for the sharing of how we all worked in our own ways to adjust and adapt to the changes in our daily lives. The seeds, the calls and the ensuing discussions were really about the importance of connection.

Truth be told, this call gave Chis and me a level of contact we seldom had as the day-to-day of our business often had us going in different directions. The long-term impact of the pandemic on our lives and livelihoods can’t be minimized. It brings me hope and promise for our future to see that people and businesses adapted and evolved to find success – all based on human connection.

Protecting the Shield

The two of us come from big families – Chris as one of nine kids and me bringing up the rear being oldest of seven. Looking out for one another was a part of growing up (most of the time!). A family crest is almost always built with the image of a shield, identifying the clan or family they represented, used to protect soldiers of war. The times we’re in made me think of the phrase I used in the title of this entry – I first heard it in reference to the integrity of the National Football League. Probably a good concept given some of the scandal and misbehavior in the NFL.

Market movements and global upheaval are largely beyond our control. How we choose to set goals that support what’s important in our lives is most certainly within our control. When times are exceptionally volatile, paying attention to your “shield” is a good start. Call us to review your insurance portfolio and emergency cash balances. It’s a great place to start protecting your shield.

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